Last night was our last t-ball game of the season on the 4-under Super Heroes Team.
We are so proud of Cade, the youngest one on the team!
He's had his moments, and he doesn't always go for the ball...
...but last night he did a little show-boating that was pretty funny.
We were down to only about 7 players, and only 6 who actually stayed in the game.
So Cade got several at-bats.
He decided he needed to go up and hit the home plate with his bat.
Then Coach Zach was trying to teach him to hit the plate then hit his shoes. funny...
Here's the little slugger at bat:

playing 1st base with Coach Zach

rounding 3rd base with Coach Dad

Cade, on his own accord, SLID INTO HOME BASE! LOL

No one else has done that this season, it really was quite funny!