I think this is a funny story, so I have to post, sorry Mom. :)
So, Cade & I went to Church Sunday morning while Chad was moping his way home from Dallas. :) I wore my favorite maternity dress on this last pregnant Sunday; I was trying my best to "glow" and NOT waddle. I was late getting into the sanctuary, so I didn't sit in mid-front with Mom (thank goodness) but mid-back with maybe a couple dozen people behind me, plus the balcony. OH, and it was communion Sunday, so I joined the congregation as we filed to the front to take communion. They do split the sanctuary, so I only had to go to the middle of the church, but this now means that everyone in the back half of the church had the opportunity to see me. Then, church is over, Mom sees me & goes with me to get Cade. We visit with the teacher & make our way through the 11 am service crowd & out the door.
Next, I decide to stop by Babies R Us to see if by chance the monitor I have been wanting is back in stock. Yes, in luck, they have them! YEA! So, I pay for my monitor, in front of probably 4 people in the lines behind me. As I turn to leave, the girl my age with her 2 year old asks me if I realize the top button of my dress is undone?!
To get the picture of this, my dress zips up the back and then has a little key hole opening with a faux diamond closure. Yes, I had a hard time zipping it up and decided not to attempt the hook & eye that I thought was at the top. Oh, and yes, I stopped checking out the rear view in the mirror a couple trimesters ago. :) This means there were 2-3 inch gaping flaps at the top of my pretty dress.
Okay, so I spent the entire morning surrounded by Godly people who were just preached to encourage one other, yada, yada, yada... and not one of them spared me the embarrassment of walking around undone. :)
I had to share what I thought was a funny story. It really wasn't a big deal, but I thought it was classic that it took another Mom, not my church family, to help me out. Hope you had a great weekend & didn't go out in public with YOUR clothes undone.