Thursday, January 29, 2009

Back to School!

Yeah!!!! They went back to school today. Not that I don't enjoy them but I didn't think I could take one more day of solid WII playing. We all took it easy during the ice/snow days. One mother said tonight that snow days aren't so bad when you can send then kids out in the snow to play! But this ice wasn't fun!

We had ball games tonight. We won and Jessi got to play. The boys were ahead by 20 at the end of the first quarter so we headed home.
That's about all that's going on at the Beebe house. Love the snow angel Cade!


chadandkimi said...

Really it is that you are happy to get your Wii back to yourself during the day, isn't it? :) Just kidding. Yes, I had to make do with the tiny balls of ice as "snow" and chunks broken off stuff as "snowballs" just to get us out of the house for a break.

chadandkimi said...

Your new puppy is sooo cute!