Monday, May 25, 2009

our Montessori School "this-isn't-a-program" Program

Despite the title, each class did a musical number for the parents before the annual end-of-year picnic.  BTW, why do they put on the calendar an "End-of-Year Picnic" a month in advance, but then 2 days before, post signs that it is actually the "Teacher Appreciation" picnic???  My other suspicion is that they were just trying to get the kids out of there early so teachers could be off early on Friday of an already 3-day-weekend.  Can you blame them?  I mean, they wipe my kid's bottom every day, they certainly deserve it, but give a Mom a chance to get a decent gift!  :)  I digress...

When we arrive, and yes, I made sure we were one of the first parents there, they had the kids' chairs set up in the playground.  I didn't want to sit right at front fearing he wouldn't participate, so we were on about the 3rd picnic-blanket-row.  They did it all just like they should, bringing the older kids out of the classrooms first, etc, etc.  As Cade's class, the "Little Bears", were walking out, we saw Cade saying "Where's MY Mommy & Daddy?"  Remember, this is our VERY FIRST program or event like this, so we had to contain ourselves from not jumping out of the crowd!!!  Finally, he saw us...whew!

They had the "Busy Bees" class perform first.  Cade will graduate into that class on Monday - YEA - potty training, you are sure to follow soon, & I LOVE the teachers in that room.  Then, the "Little Bears" take the stage...  Um, well, all I can say is that we learned it is highly unlikely that Cade will be a stage performer of any kind.  LOL  Hopefully, he won't have the same stage fright on the ball fields!  :)
Do you see the kid with his face buried in the teacher's neck???  That's Cade, & that's how he was their entire song, poor little guy!  LOL

The good thing?  I was crying from watching the first class sing, and thinking "pregnant lady at her kid's first program, not a good idea" and I didn't bring any tissues!  So I guess Cade saved ME from embarrassing myself, too!

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