Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We're Having Another Baby!

Just had to share our baby's first pics! After this week, I graduate to my regular doctor & can complete the progesterone, so I'm letting myself feel more excited again.

We had our first glimpse of the baby at 6 weeks, with that glorious image of the flashing heartbeat:

Then, we had another ultrasound at 8 weeks:

poor little baby is upside down...guess I should have rotated these pics for you...
I wish we could have an ultrasound every is so reassuring!
Thank you for keeping our family & our little miracle in your prayers.


Kati said...

Yea! I love the pics and the wiggets! I am glad you are feeling better and getting excited! KS

Kati said...

Widgets! : )

TravelinGranny said...

How fascinating are those widgets! I am still trying to comprehend the miracles.