Sunday, June 28, 2009

my big boy!

Watching Cade grow from my sweet little baby boy into a big boy is mostly the unrecognizable day-to-day changes. A couple things this past weekend, though, make it sooo obvious!

Because of another lovely summer diaper rash, we put Cade to bed in big boy underwear. He wore them most of the day Saturday & Sunday without an accident! It's a learning curve for what do you do at the park or when driving in the car...but I think he's trying to tell us he's ready to ditch the diapers!

There's also his new fearlessness going under water at the pool.  I'm happy he's not scared of the water, but a little fear wouldn't be a bad thing, right?!  :)

Today, we headed to Mitch Park to watch some kites. (You can see a couple big ones in the back of the first picture.) The first time he headed up this 'ladder' I kept a hand on him, but he did great. SO I had him do it again to take a picture. When he was half-way up, I asked him to stop so I could step back & take a picture, but he just kept climbing & went all the way by himself.

So if THAT didn't make you grimace, this will! Because when I walked around & saw him swing out over this giant slide, I definitely gasped! :)

1 comment:

TravelinGranny said...

He is getting to be a big boy! He is going to have to step up and be that BIG BROTHER! They do change everyday and each moment cherished!

I can remember when you girls were little. With each child, time just goes by a little faster.